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9 Results
Several careers ago I was an advertising copywriter. Like most other copywriters who sit all day writing ads, I looked up to various advertising luminaries as a source for ideas and inspiration.
My hero of heroes was Bill Bernbach—principal member of the renowned 20th Century ad agency, Doyle Dane…
Diamond District Partnership is thrilled to announce the launch of its long awaited website.
Our new website is a complete replacement of the familiar website the Diamond District Partnership has hosted for over a decade. While our previous website was once considered attractive and useful, as…
Responding to multiple complaints about the recent mushrooming of sidewalk signs in the Diamond District, officials from the New York city Department of Sanitation have reached out to the Diamond District Partnership to inform us about a pending citywide crackdown on these signs.
Goodbye, Summer. Hello to all the energy and excitement of the final four months of the year. The September issue reflects that energy and excitement starting with the sudden disappearance of a district landmark over the past few months. Also, the real scoop on new soon-to-be-streaming Netflix…
Mission & ServicesMISSION
The Diamond District Partnership (47th Street BID)
CUT The cut refers to how a diamond has been shaped and polished (e.g., round, pear-shaped, etc.). Its proportions describe how the various parts of the diamond, such as the depth and table, relate to each other. A well-cut diamond reflects light effectively due to its balanced and harmonious…
History of New York's 47th Street Diamond District